When people say "You should always go with your gut instinct", I should have taken this advice. I wish I would have made a larger investment in gold years ago, because the price has continued to rise dramatically over the years. Andrew Wilshire is a financial advisor and collector of rare coins with a vast knowledge of precious metals. He owns and operates Worth Bullion Group which he created to enable private investors with the opportunity to invest in precious metals. He offers advice on purchasing and storing precious metals, as well as advice on maintaining fine jewelry. In order to maintain access to your coins, and keep them safe, Andrew Wilshire recommends storing valuable coins and metals in a home safe that is too large to be carried out by burglars. He also recommends that your safe be built into the wall or sitting on the floor. You could also use a safety deposit box at your local bank.
You must be cautious of where you purchase your coins, and if you need information on the best place to buy coins, Andrew Wilshire offers his advice on this subject as well. You need to be certain that you are getting exactly what you pay for, and he recommends purchasing coins from the United States Mint in order to ensure that the coins are authentic. He is an expert on the value of specific metals such as gold, silver, and gemstones, and strongly recommends purchasing them due to their increasing value, while the dollar continues to lose value. At the time of this writing, he states that the dollar is worth three cents.
You must be cautious of where you purchase your coins, and if you need information on the best place to buy coins, Andrew Wilshire offers his advice on this subject as well. You need to be certain that you are getting exactly what you pay for, and he recommends purchasing coins from the United States Mint in order to ensure that the coins are authentic. He is an expert on the value of specific metals such as gold, silver, and gemstones, and strongly recommends purchasing them due to their increasing value, while the dollar continues to lose value. At the time of this writing, he states that the dollar is worth three cents.
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