How many people can say they get to do what they love? Sak Narwal is one of those people. His love of fishing has allowed him to travel the world, and experience the most beautiful places on earth. He has been obsessed with fishing since he was young, and his passion continues to grow.

While he does enjoy an occasional fish dinner, he is strictly a "catch-and-release" fisherman, and does not fish for food. He is interested in all aspects of fishing. He considers himself an amateur ichthyologist, and has the desire to know everything about the feeding habits and environment of both fresh and salt-water and fish. Most important to him is the connection with nature. Sak Narwal feels there's nothing more relaxing and satisfying than being in a beautiful place, and catching a fish on a beautiful day.

Sak Narwal fishes nearly every week, and his travels have taken him from Beaverkill River in Roscoe NY, to Bristol Bay in Alaska. He enjoys fishing for a wide variety of fish including: salmon, trout, catfish, herring, and fierce-fighting redfish. He even fishes for sharks in the waters off Montauk Point, on New York’s Long Island. There are many different types of sharks off Mantauk such as: Blue, Mako and Thresher, Brown, Dusky or Hammerhead. He also love to fly fish, and enjoys the thrill of the fish turning and eating.
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