Harley Swiftdeer Reagan is man who dedicates his life to helping others make the most of their lives. He is the founder of the Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society. He began this society in 1986 with the purpose of gathering, translating and teaching the Wheels and Keys of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path. They provide the tools necessary to heal the earth, and live in an environment of harmony, happiness, humor, health and hope. This Society offers training and guidance for all those who are seeking personal growth and spiritual awakening.

His extensive background includes studies in religion, psychology, philosophy, martial arts, and ancient mystery school traditions. His martial arts studies have given him the opportunity to become the leader of the Ten-No-Kishi dojo in Scottsdale, AZ. He has been practicing as well as teaching several forms of martial arts including Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, and Karate for over fifty years. He grounds his teachings for spiritual evolution in a strong commitment to physical mastery and development.

Harley Swiftdeer Reagan has studied with numerous teachers throughout his lifetime who are collectively referred to as "Twisted Hairs." These teachers are medicine men and women from various tribes who travel and study and who metaphorically weave "braids of truth." His desire to enrich the lives of others, has led Harley Swiftdeer Reagan to offer one-on-one consultations and physical mastery training to students worldwide. I look forward to seeing him succeed in his desire to help people live a life full of beauty, power, knowledge, and freedom.
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